
9/11 and more

Today marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11. I humbly think of the lives who are forever imprinted with horror and pain from that devastating event. My heartfelt thoughts go out to those survivors. The fact they completed the reflecting pools is a long over due project that has been put in the places where the towers used to stand. Someday I would like to go see them.

Today when I woke up, I took my scale out of the bag.

Yeah I bagged it up so I would not think about the numbers but rather how I am feeling and how my clothes feel on my body. Yet my weak self needed to look. I lost 2 pounds. :)
I am glad I did because I need a little pay off for this juicing fast I am on. Little losses motivate me. No losses really discourage and upset me! I have on occasion had some small amounts of protein once a a day. I wish I could exclusively juice and each day I do go into it with that mind set. However it never seems to work.

To all you juicers, cheers! To all of you who are thinking about it or have never seen the documentary, "Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead," you have to rent this and watch it with your friends and family! It's worth every minute and quite entertaining as well.