
Oswald Chambers

“The remarkable thing about God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else.” 
― Oswald Chambers


I highly recommend reading the book, "My Utmost For His Highest." It will change your thinking in so many areas!

Sick, Fat, and Nearly Dead is now free online!


Watch it for free folks. It's a great view and very entertaining even. Share with your friends , please!


Missing Net-Book!!!!

 As I was getting panicked about not being able to find my net-book (mini lap top) I just got back from someone, I was just thinking...in the big picture of life is this worth ruining my time with God? Or stealing my peace? So I was sitting here contemplating these thoughts when I saw this devotional....


I sat all day with a couple of angel investors in a NYC club yesterday as they listened to the funding presentations of eight entrepreneurs.
Some observations:
  1. The investors were all about tough love. They didn't sugarcoat the truth.
  2. The biggest way that they demonstrated tough love was by helping an entrepreneur see what is important about their business model and what isn't.
  3. They advised relentless focus on the one thing that the entrepreneur could be best at.
It reminded me of Jesus. Jesus was always asking about priorities and focus. He would say things like,
"Do you love me more than these?" and "Let the dead bury the dead." 
It made me think, If I had an hour with these guys to review my life and look at focus, what would they say? Would I come away and say, "I need to stop doing some things because they're tangential to my life's purpose"?
How about you? What will burn up in the big fire at the end of your life? Are you focused?

Here's the link:

Thanks again Seth for letting the conviction flow through your life to others!!


Dark Side

Well I heard this song called "Dark Side," by Kelly Clarkson. She's asking the person she loves to please not run away when they see her dark side. She explains few have seen it and few have gone there. But she is pleading with this person in her life to stay and not be afraid of her dark side.

As I heard this song I got all kinds of pictures in my head of a pms'ing woman running through her house with a knife screaming at her husband or boyfriend. I saw the mood go from white to deep dark black. Yes my imagination runs away sometimes. However there is a dark side in us all and it runs very deep. (See Romans 3:23) I am convinced Jesus does not run away when He sees my dark side. Now I am running to Him with everything.