
Only One Hope

"Turn, O Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love." -Psalm 6:4

Trying to earn your salvation with good works is like being in the middle of the ocean and thinking you can swim to shore. There is no way. Even if you were an Olympic swimmer you will tire out and drown. You may swim for awhile but you will never make it to shore in the middle of the ocean. Another thought is trying to empty the ocean. Imagine trying to empty the ocean? One gallon at a time. Our sins are that deep. We have no power to cleanse ourselves, no matter how many wonderful things we do for others. Even with the best of intentions. What you need is a boat. The boat will take you to shore. That is Jesus Christ. He is the bridge to God, He is the way to have the depth of sin forgiven for us. Yes we will repent more than one time for we will fall in sin more than once after salvation. But the powerful part is Jesus gives us the power to overcome. By coming back to Him over and over for help, counsel, strength, etc. I have made major sinful choices in my Christian life. Does this mean I am not a Christian? No! It means I am weak. But He is my strength! It is a journey friends. Sometimes very painful one at that! It is simply our choice when we do sin. Jesus Christ (not religion, not churches, not Bible reading, or good deeds...) is the only way to be saved, to be cleaned from your sin. The other things are what you do after you make Jesus the master of your life. You will want to read His instructions, you will want to help others, and show His love to people.....but those alone are not a ticket to heaven after death.The only way you can be in heaven someday is through faith in Him and repentance. Do you think you can live the same way as you did before salvation and Jesus will just forgive you? Well if nothing has changed in your life, if you do not have any change at all...then it might be that you are religious and not actually have been saved. What does repent mean? it means to acknowledge you are a person who sins, it means to be truly sorry for the sins and to turn from them. The power of sin and temptation is very strong in this life. God can and will always be there to run to for help. The greek translation for repent is TURN. I don't have all the answers. Only God does. Do not let anyone tell you they do either. I cannot explain why some people seem to never change. Or what is in their hearts. I only know this is the truth and it is in God's word. Read it yourself and see. He has a joy, peace, and hope for your life that nothing can compare to in this temporary fragile life.