

It's so easy to want to be wanted. In friendships, in people's thoughts. We all want to be loved, accepted, and needed. But Christ was the most rejected man on earth. Should we not follow his footsteps rather than the desire for popularity?

As a younger woman I struggled with wanting acceptance and facing rejection often. I am learning, now that I am starting anew, to rejoice that God always wants me. He knows me. He studies me. I want to study Him! 

My heart wants to find faster answers. God wants me to learn in the quiet. The loudness keeps me from feeling alone. The quiet is louder as I settle my heart to hear from heaven. 

I find the quiet is often where I want to be now.
I find that after reading Oswald Chambers words telling me to keep my camp our between Bethel and Ai, that Christ never kept his life with His Father compartmentalized. 

God is there:
in my working
in my sleeping
in my resting
in my crying
in my laughing
in my everything

I am still trying to grasp this. 

Have you?

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. In the moment I often can't understand God's purpose in what he lets happen in our lives and in the world. But looking back at my past, I can see how things have come together for his good and will continue to hold firm to this hope.

